Burton E. Haney

1860 United States census records show Burton E. Haney (age 9, born in New Brunswick, Canada around 1851) living with his father, James Haney, in Le Sueur County, Minnesota.

1865 Minnesota census records show Burton E. Haney (son of James Haney) living in Le Sueur County, Minnesota.

Accordingly, in the spring of 1871, Thomas Walsh, Burton Haney (age 20), James Jenks, and Alexander Blair left Henderson (Minnesota) for the Red River Valley.  (History of Grand Forks County with Special Reference to the First Ten Years of Grand Forks City, H. V. Arnold, Larimore Pioneer, Larimore, North Dakota, 1900, Page 66)

1880 United States census records show B. E. Haney (age 26, saloon worker, born in Canada) married to Alfretta (age 20, born in Canada).  Children were Lois (age 5, born in Minnesota), Nellie (age 3, born in Minnesota), and Mabel (age 1, born in Minnesota).  The couple resided in Grand Forks, Dakota Territory.

Bert Haney has let the contract for building his new railroad eating house (attached to the Grand Forks passenger depot), and it will be up in two weeks.  He offers for sale his present stand at a bargain.  See advertising columns.  (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Monday, May 29, 1882, Page 4)

B. E. Haney, Esq., of Grand Forks, is paying a visit to his old home.  The GLOBE has the word of John Miner, Esq., that Mr. Haney (although a young man) is the father of the old settlers of Grand Forks.  The GLOBE can vouch for the fact that Mr. Haney holds a high rank in the order of good fellows.  (The Saint Paul Daily Globe, Tuesday Morning, June 6, 1882, Volume V, Number 157, Page 2)

Burt Haney is building a hotel 48×70, and 24 feet high, opposite the new passenger depot.  It will have a plate glass front, and will cost at least $3,500 when finished.  It will be called the Selkirk House and will be opened in ten days.  (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Saturday, June 24, 1882, Page 1)

B. E. Haney is finishing the Selkirk House, and it will be ready for occupancy soon.  It is 50×70 and has an ell 24×44.  It is two stories high, and will be veneered with brick.  It has a plate glass front and will be furnished in good shape.  The cost is approximately $9,000.  (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Wednesday, August 23, 1882, Page 1)

The railroad restaurant and the Selkirk House that were both built by Burton E. Haney, were each damaged in the June 16, 1887 Grand Forks/East Grand Forks tornado.

1889 Washington census records show B. E. Haney (age 37, real estate, from Dakota Territory) married to Annie (age 32).  The couple lived in Washington.

HE IS OFF FOR CUBA, And He Forgot to Settle Before Going.  GRAND FORKS, N. D., Feb. 27. – The statement was made today by the attorneys of Col. Towner’s land company that the gallant colonel proceeded direct from Minneapolis to New Orleans, whence he sailed for Cuba or a South American port, and that he took with him some $8,000 of the company’s money.  The cause of this precipitate flight was tour requisitions for arrest from the state of Washington for alleged criminal financial transactions on the Pacific coast.  An officer from Tacoma was in the city two weeks ago, and it is said that on the same day requisitions were secured on Bert Haney, now residing in Tacoma, formerly of Grand Forks, left Tacoma and is believed to have come to Minneapolis where he found Towner and informed him that the Washington authorities were looking for him.  It is thought Haney may now be with Towner.  It is thought that Towner could have settled three of the cases by repayment of the money, but in the fourth nothing but the colonel’s arrest and return to Washington would follow.  It is said also that one case involved the loss of some thousands of dollars given him by a woman whom he induced to leave her family in Washington and with whom he unceremoniously parted company some time ago on a steamer off Los Angeles.  Towner’s family, consisting of a wife, son and daughter, reside in Chicago, and are supposed to be entirely dependent upon the salary of the son, who is a clerk in a store in that city.  (The Saint Paul Daily Globe, Sunday Morning, February 28, 1892, Volume XIV, Number 59, Page 5)

Burton E. Haney (age 47, born in January 1853) married Bertha (age 27, born in Oregon) in Watkins, Jackson County, Oregon in 1900.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haney have returned to their home in Portland.  (Daily Capital Journal (Salem, Oregon), Wednesday, January 16, 1907, Volume XVII, Number 14, Page 8).

1920 United States census records show Burton E. Haney (age 66, salesman, Haney Auto) married to Bertha R. (age 47).  The couple lived in Medford, Oregon.

1930 United States census records show Burton E. Haney (age 77) married to Bertha (age 54).  The couple resided in Portland, Oregon.

Burton E. Haney died on May 14, 1933, in Portland, Oregon.  His wife Berdie was still alive at the time.