Max Wittelshofer


The cheapest and best Jewelry, of the richest patterns, at Max Wittelshofer’s, 71 East Third street. (The Saint Paul Sunday Globe, Sunday Morning, December 7, 1879, Volume II, Number 327, Page 1)

Failure of Max Wittelshofer. At 5 o’clock, yesterday afternoon, Messrs. Rogers & Rogers, filed six preferred judgments in the district court, representing the creditors of Max Wittelshofer, doing business as a jeweler at No. 71 East Third street. The names and amounts received by the judgment creditors are as follows: Samuel Eichberg $370.25, Julia Wittelshofer $489.45, Christian Preusser & Bro $547.04, H. F. Hohn & Co $154.09, Lewis Stern $315.37, Dawson & Co $308.28. The indebtedness of the firm is put at $4,200, and the assets, consisting of the stock in trade, amounts to $4,000. (The Saint Paul Daily Globe, Tuesday Morning, February 24, 1880, Volume III, Number 55, Page 1)

Sheriff’s Sale at Auction – On Monday, March 8th, at 10 o’clock A. M., the stock and fixtures belonging to Max Wittelshofer, 71 East Third street, viz: Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Safe, Rogers Bros. Silverware, etc. James King, Sheriff. (The Saint Paul Sunday Globe, Sunday Morning, March 7, 1880, Volume III, Number 67, Page 8).

Max Wittelshofer, the people’s popular jeweler. Grand Forks can boast of a jewelry house second to none in north Dakota, the proprietor of which is Mr. Wittelshofer. He came here from St. Paul in 1880, and his trade has been in conformity with the class of goods he carries, which is “A1.” The store which he owns, a commodious one, centrally located on Third Street, is well adapted to his business. Mr. Wittelshofer ranks among the solid men of the city. He is also owner of a valuable tract of land in Grand Forks County and another in Nelson County. (Andreas Historical Atlas of Dakota, A. T. Andreas, Chicago, The Lakeside Press, 1884, Page 254)

Max Wittelshofer has again placed his thermometer at the old familiar door where it will do good service making the degrees of heat or cold exactly for the public, unless some vandal breaks it as was done to its predecessors. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Wednesday, November 10, 1886, Page 1)

Art Turner, the contractor, placed in its proper position yesterday the name stone bearing this inscription cut in a large Ohio sand stone: “Wittelshofer block.” Thus has friend Wittelshofer immortalized himself and shown his faith in the great future of Grand Forks by rearing in this city what will certainly be when completed, a beautiful structure – a monument of his worth as a citizen and business gentleman. Long may he live to enjoy the fruits of his labor. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Friday Morning, July 31, 1891, Volume XX, Number 223, Page 5)

The brick work in the Wittelshofer block has been completed. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Sunday Morning, August 2, 1891, Volume XX, Number 225, Page 5)

Mr. Wittelshofer wishes to express thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has been bestowed during the holidays. He has been known for the past number of years as headquarters for diamonds, watches, jewelry and silverware. He has established a reputation for reliability during the many years he has done business in this city which is second to none. Mr. Wittelshofer prides himself on the completeness of his stock and the large assortment of goods he carries continually. He is exhibiting a handsome line of diamond rings, all mounted in the prettiest and most stylish settings. A visit to his establishment before purchasing elsewhere will be well repaid. Out of town orders will receive special attention and Mr. Wittelshofer’s reputation insures satisfaction. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Friday Morning, January 1, 1892, Volume XXI, Number 47, Page 5)

REMAINS BROUGHT HOME. Funeral Of Max Wittelshofer To Be Held This Afternoon. The remains of Max Wittelshofer were brought from Minneapolis yesterday morning (died September 8, 1900), accompanied by Mrs. Wittelshofer and her sister Mrs. Charles Adler, and were at once taken to McDonald’s undertaking rooms, where they were prepared for burial. The funeral services will be held at the family residence in the Wittelshofer block at 2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. Dr. Rypen of Mount Zion Church, St. Paul, officiating. The pall bearers will be Mayor Dinnie, Sig Wolff, George Platky, Fred Lasham, D. S. Horwitz and Dr. W. S. Gray. Mr. Wittelshofer was one of the oldest residents of Grand Forks, having come here in 1880 from St. Paul, where he had been engaged in business. He has been in the jewelry business in Grand Forks ever since coming to the city and has been one of the most successful business men here, having accumulated a good share of this world’s goods.

He was born in Hall, Germany, 56 years ago, and learned the watch making trade at that place, coming to America when still a young man. His parents are both dead, the remaining members of his family being two sisters, one of whom resides at Stuttgart and the other at Strassburg, Germany. His only brother is one of the prominent business men of Alpena, Mich., who yesterday wired that on account of sickness he would be unable to attend the funeral services. The deceased was one of the most highly respected citizens of Grand Forks, a business man whose integrity was unquestioned, who always had the best interests of the city at heart, and whose loss will be felt everywhere and generally regretted. He was one of the oldest Odd Fellows in the city, belonging to one of the St. Paul lodges, but had let his membership lapse. He also at one time belonged to the Knights of Pythias. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Tuesday Morning, September 11, 1900, Volume 19, Number 270, Page 1)

LAID TO REST. The Funeral of Max Wittelshofer Largely Attended. Yesterday afternoon all that was mortal of Max Wittelshofer was laid to rest in the Jewish cemetery. The funeral services were conducted in the apartments in the Wittelshofer block and were attended by a large concourse of friends of the deceased. The services were conducted by the Rabbi Rypen of St. Paul, who preached an eloquent sermon and paid a beautiful tribute to the deceased. The floral offerings were profuse and spoke volumes in a mute way of the esteem in which the departed man was held. The funeral cortege was one of the longest ever seen in the city. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Wednesday Morning, September 12, 1900, Volume 19, Number 271, Page 8).