Larson Stop in 1921

All-Metal Monoplane Arrives Here Enroute To Ft. Norman, Alberta. Party Of Four Including John M. Larsen And Count Sparre, Left Dayton, Ohio, Yesterday Morning; Will Attempt To Reach Arctic Ocean. Carrying four passengers and bucking a rather troublesome wind, the Larsen J. L. 6, giant all-metal monoplane, which left Dayton, Ohio, at 6 o’clock yesterday morning in an attempt to make a record flight to this city, arrived here at 7:40 o’clock last night after having been forced to land at Minneapolis for the purpose of wiring notice for lights to be lit at the local field. John M. Larsen, of 404 Riverside drive, New York City, and builder of the Larsen monoplanes, is in charge of the trip, and the machine is piloted by Harry Meyers, Ernest Buehl, mechanician, and Count Claes. E. Sparre of Stockholm, Sweden, make up the remainder of the party. Mr. Larsen said that considerable wind, rain and snow were experienced between Chicago and Minneapolis and for that reason it was believed Grand Forks could not be reached until after dark. For the purpose of sending a message to this city of that effect, a landing was made at Minneapolis at 2:25 o’clock. Leaving there at 4:10 o’clock the party landed at the local field at 7:40, just three hours and thirty minutes later.

But Little Delay Caused. The telegram experienced some delay in reaching Myron Bacon, who had charge of arranging for the landing here, with the result that the plane was approaching the field before he had time to place the necessary fuses. The signals were arranged in time, however, so only about ten minutes delay was caused, it was said.

Spent Night Here. Due to the report received from Minneapolis concerning unfavorable air conditions it was not believed that the landing would be made until later in the night. It happened, however, that by flying low no trouble was experienced between Minneapolis and Grand Forks, Mr. Larsen said. The party spent the night here with the intention of hopping off at 7:30 o’clock this morning for Edmonton, Alberta, enroute to Fort Norman, Alberta. Mr. Larsen said it was possible that an effort would be made later to fly to McKenzie Bay on the Arctic ocean, claiming this has never so far been done.

Breaks Many Records. In addition to being the designer of the Larsen J. L. 6, all-metal monoplane, Mr. Larsen enjoys an international reputation in the aviation world. His efforts with this type of machine have resulted in the breaking of many world records. These include the altitude record with seven passengers, having reached a height of 22,000 feet; the world’s speed record of 130 miles in 59 minutes and 34 seconds with 6 passengers, and the world’s economy record. This last record was made when eight passengers were carried from Atlantic City to Philadelphia and return a distance of 130 miles, with a 160 horsepower motor on only twelve and one half gallons of gasoline. A speed of about 90 miles per hour was made.

Omaha-Philadelphia in 11 Hours. The American non-stop record was made by Mr. Larsen last summer when he flew from Omaha to near Philadelphia, a distance of 1,200 miles in about 11 hours. It was Mr. Larsen in one of his all-metal monoplanes, who won nation-wide fame last summer by making the transcontinental trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast with the first U. S. mail delivery. He has done considerable traveling by air in many European countries, and it was while flying across Sweden that he met Count Sparre, who is his guest on this trip, and while also is an aviator.

Got Ready in 30 Minutes. Count Sparre has been in this country about eight months. When Mr. Larsen decided to make the trip from New York to the Arctic ocean he sent an invitation to Count Sparre to accompany him. It seems that the Count was spending the evening at a New York club and did not receive the invitation until about 3 o’clock in the morning. As the trip was to start at 3:30 o’clock, the guest had only 30 minutes in which to make up his mind, prepare for the trip and reach the aviation field. Evidently he did all three, for he is very much a member of the party and seems to be enjoying himself immensely. Count Sparre is the nephew of General Mannerheim, who in 1919 led the “White” army of Finland against the “Red” army of Soviet Russia. The count’s home is in Stockholm, Sweden, and yesterday when flying over the city of Stockholm, Wis., Mr. Larsen said his guest wanted to descend and look the place over.

Carries 5,000 Pounds. The total weight of the plane, passengers and supplies on the present trip is 5,000 pounds, Mr. Larsen said. A fully supply of gas and oil will be taken on this morning before hopping off on the way to Fort Norman, a distance of about 2,300 miles. If conditions at that place make it seem advisable, the plane will be equipped with skis and an effort made to reach the Arctic ocean. Harry Meyers, who is piloting the machine, had charge of one of the two J. L. 6 monoplanes which passed through Grand Forks last December. Mr. Larsen, a native of Denmark, was for many years president of an Omaha, Neb., concern manufacturing refrigerator machinery, and during the war became actively interested in aeronautics on a large scale. The distance covered yesterday in the trip from Dayton to Grand Forks was 960 miles. (Grand Forks Herald, Sunday, March 20, 1921, Volume XL, Number 120, Page 1)

Aviators Are Delayed Here. Experience Trouble With Motor; Banquet Held Sunday Night. Claiming that the motor will need to be thoroughly gone over is the result of poor grade gasoline having frozen in it, Harry Meyers, pilot of the giant J. L. 6, all-metal monoplane which arrived here Saturday night from Dayton, Ohio, said last night that the party may find it impossible to leave here until tomorrow. While the destination of the present trip is Fort Norman, Alberta, it is the hope of John M. Larsen, who is in charge of the trip, that conditions in that part of the country will be favorable for continuing on to McKenzie Bay on the Arctic ocean. Members of the party, which, besides Mr. Larsen and Mr. Meyers, includes Count Claes Sparre of Stockholm, Sweden, and Ernest Buehl, mechanician, were guests at a banquet held Sunday night in Hotel Dacotah. About 30 men were present, and among the speakers were President Thomas F. Kane of the University, Dr. G. M. Williamson, Tracy Bangs, and State’s Attorney T. B. Elton. A brief talk was given also by each of the “bird-men.” Special music was furnished by the Lilac Hedge quartet. (Grand Forks Herald, Tuesday, March 22, 1921, Volume XL, Number 121, Page 5)

Aviators Guests Of Club; Served In War In Opposing Armies. Grand Forks is still enjoying the presence of John M. Larsen and his party of aviators who arrived here by monoplane from Dayton, Ohio, last Saturday enroute to the Arctic ocean, due to the fact that considerable repair work will need to be done on the motor before it will be considered advisable to proceed northward. Mr. Larsen and his companion, Count Claes Sparre of Stockholm, Sweden, were guests of the Rotary club at the regular weekly meeting in the Commercial club yesterday noon. Flying was discussed as part of an informal program, and short addresses were given by each of the guests. Harry Meyers, who is pilot of the ship, is a former North Dakota man, having lived for a number of years at Minot. He entered the aviation section of the government service early in the war and has forged to the front as a leader in his chosen work. Ernest Buehl, mechanician, who is the fourth member of the party, served as an aviator with the German army during the recent war, being stationed for the most part on the eastern front. He came to this country about ten months ago. (Grand Forks Herald, Wednesday, March 23, 1921, Volume XL, Number 122, Page 10)

Larsen Expects To Leave Today. Will Hop Off With All-metal Plane For Canada If Weather Permits. John M. Larsen will hop off from the Bacon farm in his Larsen J. L. 6, giant all-metal monoplane this morning for Edmonton, Canada, providing weather predictions favor safety in flight, according to a statement made by him at an early hour this morning. Mr. Larsen received reports from Minot and Winnipeg that a steady wind from the south was registered, but he said also that the barometer had dropped fifty points and he thought a storm might be encountered unless he could leave here early. In case the storm did develop he hoped to keep ahead of it, he declared. The two men who will accompany Mr. Larsen are Harry Meyers, pilot, and Ernest Buehl, mechanician. Count Claes E. Sparre of Stockholm, who arrived here with the aviators March 19, recently went back to New York.

Were Delayed Here. The party had not intended staying in Grand Forks more than a day or so, and then planned to go on into Canada, but bad weather and injury to some of the parts of the planes’s engine, through freezing, necessitated a stop-over while new parts could be obtained. Mr. Larsen had hoped to set a new record for a non-stop flight from Dayton, Ohio, to Grand Forks when he came here, but wind, rain and snow were encountered between Chicago and the destination, and he landed in order to telegraph for landing lights. He left Dayton at 6 a. m. March 19 and arrived in Minneapolis at 2:25 p. m. of the same day; leaving Minneapolis at 4:10 p. m.; the plane landed in Grand Forks at 7:40 p. m.

Due North to Arctic Ocean. It is the hope of Mr. Larsen that his “ship” may reach the McKenzie bay at the Arctic ocean. Yesterday afternoon a couple of trial flights were held for the purpose of testing the new parts, and Mr. Larsen said later that the tests were satisfactory, and that everything was in shipshape order – except the barometer. During his enforced sojourn in Grand Forks Mr. Larsen has been the guest of honor at several social gatherings, and on various occasions he has delivered brief speeches on the subject of aviation, its future and its general practicability. (Grand Forks Herald, Tuesday, March 29, 1921, Volume XL, Number 127, Page 10)