Rochester Tornado Washington Signal Service Response

Predicting Tornadoes.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. – The phenomena of tornadoes, to the scientific study of which Lieut. John P. Finley, of the signal corps, has devoted about eight years, are now so well understood as to warrant the belief that trustworthy warnings may soon be sent out to inhabitants of localities which may be threatened with disastrous visitations.  Daily predictions are, in fact, being made at present, having begun last year and continued during the tornado season, and resumed recently upon the return of Lieut. Finley form an inspection tour in the West.  The percentage of verification is already gratifying, though the predictions are as yet largely experimental and are embodied in the daily published bulletins of the signal office only when the conditions to the creation of tornadoes are pronounced.  In such cases “severe local storms” are noted as probably.

The St. Paul Daily Globe
Monday Morning, October 5, 1885
Volume VII, Number 278, Page 4